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Safety as an Ethical Decision

July 7, 2020

Safety as an Ethical Decision

For ACRT Services and our family of companies, safety is viewed as far more than just a practice — it’s also about making sound choices and being accountable to ourselves and others. For ACRT Pacific Safety Manager Jeremiah Danielson, ingraining this perspective throughout our organization is the key to achieving success with our safety program.

“Connecting with our teams and sharing our vision of ‘zero harm’ is one of the key aspects of my role,” Danielson said. “While it’s important to demonstrate meaningful results and prevent incidents through the safety program, it’s also about encouraging people to make choices that keep them safe and healthy at the end of every work shift.”

As the safety leader for our California customers and employees, Jeremiah Danielson understands the higher levels of scrutiny and heavier compliance requirements in their region. To that end, he applies nearly 20 years of health and safety expertise with the U.S. government and various large corporations — including seven years in the U.S. Navy. And through it all, he’s held fast to the manta of positive influence through actions — not just words.

“A safety program itself doesn’t achieve the end goal — it’s up to people to put the words of the safety program into action,” Danielson said. “It’s not about ‘getting by’ or only meeting regulations, either. Safety is an ethical and moral choice. We succeed in our safety program when we are led by the conviction that safety must guide our decision-making.”

Danielson holds a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety & Health Technology from the University of Akron and a Master of Science in Environmental Policy & Management from American Military University.

Learn more about our safety philosophy at