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Passing On Knowledge to Future Foresters

March 16, 2022

Passing On Knowledge to Future Foresters

Earlier this year, Rick Holub, an ACRT Pacific registered professional forester, had the opportunity to host several Future Farmers of America (FFA) students at his project site.
Holub serves as a registered professional forester and is working to restore the areas affected by the 2020 August Complex Fire (a massive wildfire that burned in the Coast Range of Northern California) and the 2021 Monument Fire (a wildfire currently burning west of Big Bar in Shasta-Trinity National Forest).

During the students’ visit, they had the opportunity to observe an active logging operation, learn about sustainable forestry, and more.

For those unfamiliar, FFA is a youth organization that prepares members for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture.

Holub shared how the customer “actively promotes forestry and works with FFA students by allowing access to company lands, as well as participating during the forestry competition at the annual Sierra Cascade Logging Conference.”

He also noted the customer is “very proactive in promoting sustainable forestry and is planning to plant 250,000 seedlings this year alone in areas that were burned in the 2020 August Complex Fire and the 2021 Monument Fire.”