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Insights from the ACRT Pacific Safety Committee

Insights from the ACRT Pacific Safety Committee

ACRT Pacific safety committee co-chairs Nikki Stone and Zak Jansen share the goal of making safety in the industry an ongoing focus. Both recognize the role that safety plays in protecting our own people and in helping our clients succeed.

For Stone, an assistant operations manager, her role on the committee has more deeply involved her in safety initiatives and updating existing processes.

“I use the experience I’ve gained at ACRT Pacific to think creatively with other like-minded people to develop safety initiatives,” Stone said. “The fact that my contributions help employees return home safely is a huge motivation.”

To ensure her contributions do just that, Stone focuses on making safety support shifting needs — and ascertaining that we put safety first in our daily efforts.

“A significant factor in the success of our safety program is having the ability to proactively accommodate the changing industry demands. We must all hold safety at the forefront of our activities every day to avoid incidents that occur from complacency.”

Jansen — a professional services contractor and the first non-manager employee co-chair of the safety committee in company history — enjoys engaging employees on our safety program and discussing new ideas.

“We rely on input from the field, our offices, and the organization as a whole to steer our direction. I enjoy facilitating discussions and voting on initiatives that benefit employee safety and improve performance.”

He also understands the impact of safety on our relationships — and in how people should evaluate prospective industry employers.

“Without focusing on your safety culture, you can’t provide your important services and will eventually be replaced. It’s also critical because safety is a leading indicator of whether a company will be around in 10 years in an industry where safety is paramount.”

Learn more about our safety philosophy.